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An ongoing collaboration project for the
Swiss Artistic Research Network SARN

"The transversal project relates the notions of independence and interdependence in the realm of topical rural research. Experienced in actual as well as in delayed time, the imaginary threads and steps of traveling together, are the points and surfaces of an interdependent landscape-painting."

(Betty Leirner)


"The need to reinvent what it means to be a shepherd in the 21st century is crucial. At this point, we also have to consider the importance of new technologies. This is a pioneering question as we are now facing the strong dichotomy between the preservation of wild carnivores and the preservation of pastoralism. We think there should be ways to find and develop co-existence, acknowledging the importance and taking into consideration the life of shepherding communities."

Fernando Garcia Dory’s opening Statement for the participation at the SARN Festival Traversing Topologies 2021 in conversation with Florian Kutzli